


Counter strike go is a popular game with many people of all ages who enjoy playing it. It's a multiplayer first-person shooter game where you can play against other players in different scenarios.

The goal of this blog post will be to teach you how to play CS: GO and give you some strategies for playing well.

First, you will need to download the game if you haven't already. You can get it at steam by clicking here

When you start up your newly downloaded CS: GO, you will see a screen like this one:

Click on "Play" and choose a casual match. Casual matches give you two random guns when the round starts, while a competitive match gives you a specific gun with specific ammunition in each magazine that doesn't change from round to round. This blog post is going to focus on casual matches since that is what most people play, but I will cover competitive teams in another blog post and tell you how and why some of them use specific guns and what some of the most popular competitive teams do.

You will then be asked if you are new to counter strike, I would recommend that you check yes here so that it gives you a tutorial on how to play the game while you are playing! It can be annoying when you get killed more than once because of not knowing something important. If you don't want to do this for one reason or another, there is an option in your settings where it says "do not display this screen again" somewhere on the menu. Just uncheck it until after you are done with the tutorial and go back and recheck it (this only works if before starting up CS: GO for the first shortly.

Now click on "Create Lobby".

This will make it so other players can join your lobby and play with you. In the lobby, you will be able to see the map that is being played, how many players are in the lobby, and the game mode. The game mode can be either "Bomb" or "Hostage". In Bomb mode, one team has to plant a bomb at a specific location on the map and then protect it until it explodes. The other team has to stop them from planting the bomb and then defuse it if it's planted. In Hostage mode, one team has to escort a hostage to a specific location on the map while the other team tries to stop them.

Once everyone in your lobby has chosen their team, click on "Start Game" and you're off!

Now that you know how to play CS: GO, let's go over some basic tips for playing well.

1. Choose the right weapon for the job:

There are many different weapons in CS: GO, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. You need to choose the weapon that is best suited for the situation you are in. For example, if you are in a close-quarters fight, you will want to use a weapon like the P90 or the MP7 instead of a sniper rifle.

2. Learn how to control your recoil:

Recoil is when the gun jumps up after you shoot it. It can be difficult to control at first, but with practice, you can learn how to minimize it. There are many videos on YouTube that teach you how can control your recoil.

How to download CS GO for free

First, you need to download the game. If you go on Steam and search for Counter-Strike, it should pop up as one of the options. You can either buy the game if you want, or you can click "play free". The first time counter strike will load up, it may ask you to make an account before playing the game. Once the page has loaded, click "Play Game"

Play CS GO

Once CS GO has started loading up, wait until it completely loads up to your desktop. Once this happens, press plays again. This time it should prompt you to enter a product key that is located on your CD or in an email that was sent to you if bought through steam. Enter your code into the text box and click okay.

Now that you have the game downloaded and installed, it's time to learn how to play. CS GO can be a difficult game to learn, but with enough practice you can become a pro. The following are some basic tips on how to improve your gameplay:

-When playing, always try to stay aware of your surroundings. This means paying attention to both your teammates and enemies.

-Make sure you know the map that you're playing on. This will help you plan out your strategy and know where all the important strategic points are.

-Try not to run around aimlessly. This will only waste your time and make you an easy target for enemies. Instead, try to find cover